Referrals are trustworthy!

Why Should I use a Referral Program?

 Referrals are trustworthy!

 Referrals are the most trustworthy form of advertising available to you, according to Nielsen’s trust in advertising report. This is a sigh of relief for ecommerce merchants, because many forms of online advertising are towards the bottom of the trustworthiness report. For example, your customer is almost 50% more likely to trust a referral than trust a mobile phone ad. The same holds true for many popular online marketing techniques. Your customer is over 30% more likely to trust a referral over banner ads, social network ads, and even search engine marketing.
Referral Programs are Trustworthy
Referrals are trustworthy because they come from someone you know, such as a friend, coworker or family member. You trust these people to not lead you astray. If they are recommending a product/service to you it is because they have had a good experience and like the product as well. We trust that they are not pushing products for a personal financial gain. It is important to remember why referrals are trustworthy when creating an effective program, but we will get to that later.


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